Holy Week Family Guide: The Last Supper

Holy Week Family Guide: The Last Supper

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 28, 2024 | Matthew 26:20-30


Matthew 26:20-30 


On the night before Jesus was arrested, Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover by eating a special meal together. As they ate, Jesus told the disciples that one of their friends would betray him. This surprised the disciples, and they wondered who it could be. Judas and Jesus knew the truth; Judas would be the one to help Jesus’ enemies arrest Jesus. Jesus didn’t let this betrayal stop this special time with His friends. As they were eating, Jesus prayed, broke the bread, and passed it to the disciples. The bread represented Jesus giving His body for us. Jesus then prayed over a cup and passed it to His disciples. The drink in the cup represented Jesus dying on the cross for us so that we could be forgiven and have a relationship with God forever. That night, Jesus was arrested by the religious leaders with Judas’ help, just as He said, but God’s rescue plan could not be stopped! When we take the Lord’s Supper, we are remembering the Last Supper and what Jesus did for us on the cross because of His love for us.  


  • Draw a picture of what you think the Passover meal with Jesus and His disciples may have looked like.  
  • Take some time to say thank you to Jesus for what He did on the cross. 


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace. You are always faithful, and we praise You! Help us to remember how much You love us and what Jesus did for us on the cross. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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