Holy Week Family Guide: The Crucifixion

Holy Week Family Guide: The Crucifixion

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 29, 2024 | Matthew 27:11-61


Matthew 27:11-61


On Friday, Jesus was arrested by the Jewish religious leaders, and He was brought to Pilate, the governor, for a trial to decide if Jesus did anything wrong. Pilate said he couldn’t find anything that Jesus had done wrong, but the crowd wanted Jesus to be put to death anyway. Pilate let the crowd have their way and agreed to hand Jesus over to them to be killed. Jesus was beaten, mocked, and nailed on the cross. He died a very painful death, but not because He had done anything wrong. Jesus knew this was a part of God’s plan for all people to be forgiven and have a relationship with Him.  

We all have done something that God said wasn’t good; that means we’ve sinned. God wanted us to have a relationship with Him forever, so He sent Jesus to earth to live a perfect life so that He could take the punishment for our sins on the cross. Jesus willingly went to the cross and died the death we deserve as sinners. He died so that we could have a new life with God. When we think about the cross, we can remember that Jesus died for us. After Jesus died, His body was placed in a borrowed grave, a temporary tomb, but the story doesn’t end there—Easter is coming!  


  • Q: Why did Jesus have to die? 
  • A: God knew it was the only way. Jesus was perfect. He never sinned. He took on the punishment for our sins: past, present, and future. Because of Jesus, we can be saved.  
  • When you do things that are wrong, God promises to forgive you. Take some time to tell God how truly sorry you are for things you may have done wrong. 


Lord, how amazing is Your love! Thank You for sending Jesus to save me from my sins. Let me always remember the sacrifice You made for me. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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