Strong and Steady

Strong and Steady

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 9, 2024 | Acts 17:10-15

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 17:10-15


Yesterday, we read about Paul and Silas in Thessalonica. After they left Thessalonica, they went to Berea. They went to the synagogue there to continue telling others about Jesus. The Jews there were much more noble than the Jews from Thessalonica. They were eager to learn about Jesus and study to see if what Paul was saying was true. Many of them believed after studying! Unfortunately, the Jews in Thessalonica heard that the Word of God was being preached in Berea. So, they brought the mob from Thessalonica with them and stirred up the crowds. Paul was immediately sent away and Silas and Timothy stayed there. Paul arrived in Athens and sent word to Silas and Timothy to join him there, so they left to do that.


Paul and Silas didn’t give up sharing the Gospel with others. The mob in Thessalonica had it out for them, but they knew God was with them and that they had a purpose. Many people still came to know Jesus despite the mob. There will always be people who go against what you have to say about Jesus, but that’s ok! God never said sharing the Gospel would be easy, but He was with Paul and Silas, and He will be with you, too!


Write down this verse in your notebook or somewhere you will see it:

“Be strong and steady! Always enthusiastic for the Lord’s work because nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Let this be a reminder to you when it gets hard to share with others about Jesus that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless!

Prayer: Thank you for giving us a mission to spread Your Gospel. Help us to carry that mission out well. Don’t let us get discouraged, but help us to be strong, steady, and enthusiastic about sharing Your Word! Amen.

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