Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Luke 3-4
In Luke 3, John the Baptist told people to change their hearts and follow God by being kind to others. In Luke 4, Jesus began His ministry and taught about God's kingdom, even when He was tempted by the devil. Jesus never gave up and always chose God’s plan. This reminds us that following Jesus is a decision we make every day!
Loving Jesus means trusting Him with all of our hearts. John said that loving God means showing it by the way we act (Luke 3:8). When Jesus was tempted, He chose to do the right thing because He loved God (Luke 4:4). Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but when we love Jesus, we want to obey Him. How can you show you love Jesus today? Maybe by being kind to someone who needs help or offering a word of encouragement to a friend.
Following Jesus also means showing love with our actions. It means living it out. John told the people to help others when they can (Luke 3:11). Jesus showed love by healing people and teaching them. As a family, let’s think of ways we can show love with our actions this week. Maybe we can help clean up after a meal or help a friend with a school project.
Prayer: God, we love You with all our hearts. Help us to serve others and show Your love through everything we do. Thank You for sending Jesus to teach us how to love. We want to follow You with our whole hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.