Saved By Grace

Saved By Grace

Author: Anna Beth Scott
May 3, 2024 | Acts 15:1-11

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way  

Read Acts 15:1-11


Before Jesus died and rose again, there were several religious rituals and laws that Jews followed to be in right standing with God. Jesus fulfilled the law. We don’t have to follow all the religious rules to be with God. We are saved by grace through faith, not in anything we can do. We believe Jesus is God’s Son and ask Him to forgive us and be Lord of our lives. That gives us the desire to make decisions that would please Jesus. When some men came to Judea telling the Gentiles they had to follow all the religious rituals and rules of the law of Moses, Paul and Barnabas got upset because they knew this was not what Jesus taught. Paul explains in verses 8 through 11 that God has already accepted the Gentiles and “purified their hearts by faith”. He explains that it is through grace that anyone is saved and that Christians shouldn’t make it difficult for people to come to Jesus.


Have you relied on what you could do to be saved? Or have you relied on what Jesus has already done? Today’s passage reminds us that we cannot do anything to earn salvation. Jesus has already paid the price to cover our sins. We simply accept it and follow Him. He makes our hearts pure. We are saved by His grace. Have you made it difficult for other people to know Jesus? Maybe put expectations or requirements on people before inviting them to church? Do they have to look a certain way or dress a certain way for you to talk to them about Jesus? Acts 15:19 says, “We should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”


Take turns sharing with your family how you came to know Jesus. What was your life like before you had a relationship with Jesus? How is your life different now that Jesus is Lord of your life? Use this as a way to better understand your relationship with Jesus so that you can share it with others.  

Maybe you haven't decided to follow Jesus yet. If you have any questions about what it means to know, love, and follow Jesus, don't be afraid to ask your family or friends who are believers!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for saving me. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising again. Thank you for taking on the punishment of my sins and giving me Your righteousness. I want to honor You with my life. I want to share Your love with others. I know I can’t do it without You. Thank you for always being there. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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