Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Luke 9-10
Think about what it means to share good news. It’s exciting! When we have good news to share, sometimes it’s so hard to keep it to ourselves. We just want to share it with everyone we know. In Luke 9 and 10, we learn about Jesus' amazing teachings and the important work He did. Jesus sent out His disciples to share the good news about God’s love. He taught them that they could heal the sick and bring peace to people's hearts, and he gave them the power and authority to do everything he asked them to do. So, the disciples went from village to village telling everyone the good news of Jesus and healing the sick. When they returned, they were so excited to share with Jesus all that they had done.
It was right after this that Jesus performed one of his great miracles. The crowds of people followed them and wanted to hear more about this good news they had been talking about. When it began to get late, the disciples told Jesus he should send the crowd away so that they could go to a town and find food. But Jesus had a better idea! Instead of sending the people away, He told the disciples to feed them! But how? They only had five loaves of bread and two fish, and that would never be enough to feed so many people. But after blessing the food, Jesus instructed the disciples to pass out the food to the people, and guess what? They NEVER ran out! Wow! That’s so amazing. This miracle shows us that God can do amazing things even with small amounts. Jesus was showing His disciples that He would provide everything they needed if they would just trust Him and follow Him. But He wanted the disciples to take action and participate in the miracle. He wants the same for you and me.
What does it mean to follow Jesus? It means putting God first in our lives and being willing to share the good news of Jesus’ love with others. God loves us so much! And that is GOOD NEWS! When we realize just how much God loves us, it makes us WANT to share this good news with everyone around us.
Jesus wants us to be His hands and feet in the world. He wants us to take action. Every small act of kindness can make a big impact.
Talk with your family about who you can share the good news of Jesus with this week.
What are some things you can do that would help someone else feel the love of Jesus? Here are a few suggestions:
- Help a Friend: If you see someone struggling with their homework, offer to help them.
- Be Kind: Smile and say something nice to someone who looks sad.
- Share: If you have extra toys or clothes, consider donating them to those in need.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the good news of Jesus! Help me to have the courage to share this good news with my friends and family this week. Give me creative ideas and ways to show others your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.