Peter Miraculously Escapes Prison

Peter Miraculously Escapes Prison

Author: Lauren Strickland
Apr 26, 2024 | Acts 12

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Acts 12


As we’ve already learned this week, God sometimes asks us to do things others may not understand. He may ask us to do or say things that aren’t easy or popular. Remember Peter and Cornelius? Peter loved Jesus with all his heart and wanted to tell everyone about Him. But not everyone liked that idea. Some people didn't like Peter talking about Jesus, so they decided to put him in prison!

While in prison, Peter was chained between two guards and it seemed like there was no way for him to escape, but God had other plans. While Peter was sleeping, an amazing thing happened. An angel of the Lord appeared and a bright light filled the room. The angel gently nudged Peter awake and told him to get up quickly. Peter couldn't believe his eyes! He thought he was dreaming. But it was real. The angel led Peter out of the prison, past all the guards, and through the iron gate. It swung open all by itself! Peter followed the angel, not sure if he was still dreaming or if this was really happening. As they walked through the streets, Peter realized that God had rescued him! He was free! God had heard the prayers of Christians who were praying for him and had come to rescue Peter in his time of need.

Now, here's the amazing part: When Peter realized he was free, he didn't run away to hide. Instead, he went to find his friends and tell them what had happened. He wanted to share the good news of God's rescue with them.


God is mighty and powerful. He can do anything! God hears our prayers. Just like He heard the prayers of Peter's friends, He hears our prayers too. We can learn that God wants us to share His love and rescue with others. Just like Peter told his friends about God's amazing rescue, we can tell our friends and family about how Jesus came to rescue us, too. You see, God sent Jesus to rescue us from the power of sin and death! Do you know John 3:16? If you don’t, look it up and read it now. God loves us. He loves everyone and sent Jesus to rescue us because He loves us.


The next time you're facing something scary or difficult, remember this story. Remember that God is with you, and He is mighty to save. And don't forget to share God's love and rescue with others too!

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for rescuing us! Thank you for defeating sin and death so that we can live free in this life and forever with You in eternity. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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