Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

Author: Nichole McCardle
Apr 19, 2024 | Acts 9:1-31

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Acts 9:1-31


In Acts 9, we learn about Saul. Saul was a Jewish man who was causing lots of trouble for Christians. He did not like Jesus' followers, and he was in charge of arresting and even killing Christians. He even was there when Stephen was killed, as we read about on Tuesday. Saul did some pretty terrible things, but just like we learned in yesterday's readings, God's love is for EVERYONE, no matter how good OR bad! God loved Saul, and He wanted Saul to love Jesus. One day, God sent a very bright light down from Heaven. The light was so bright that it blinded Saul! But then, Jesus spoke to Saul. Jesus said, "Saul, why are you hurting me? I am Jesus who you are hurting. Go to the city and you will be told what to do." Saul was so afraid, but he did as Jesus instructed. In the city, God had spoken to a man named Ananias and told him to lay hands on Saul to heal his eyes. Ananias was afraid because he knew of Saul and all the terrible things that Saul had done to the Christians. But Ananias trusted God and went to Saul, put his hands on Saul, and Saul was healed. His eyes were opened to vision, but his eyes were also opened to the love of Jesus! Saul immediately changed his whole view of Jesus and began telling everyone about him!


Saul began as a man who hated Jesus and the people who loved Jesus. Even then, God's love for Saul did not change. Saul realized this and later became one of the most influential people in the spread of the gospel of Jesus (and will later in the Bible be known as Paul)! Saul thought he was a good man because he was religious, and he knew a lot about the Bible. But God showed him that he needed to change. We will all make mistakes, but even then, God does not give up on us. He did not give up on Saul, and He will not give up on you. When you know that you have done something wrong, pray and tell God that you are sorry. If you pray and ask God, He will forgive you and help you to change.


When Saul’s eyes were opened to the love of Jesus, he began telling everyone about Him. Who do you know that needs to hear about the love of Jesus today?

Prayer: God, You are such a loving Father! Thank You for never giving up on us. Thank You for loving me and forgiving me when I make mistakes. Help me to follow You and Your ways. Amen.

Becoming a Christian

Have questions about becoming a Christian, baptism, the Lord's Supper, or growing as a follower of Jesus? If you want to know more about how to know, love, and follow Jesus, you can ask your Campus KXP Minister for a copy of the Becoming A Christian Book or check out a digital copy here.

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