Miracles Happen

Miracles Happen

Author: Acts 3:1-10
Apr 4, 2024 | Acts 3:1-10

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God |  Hands:Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 3:1-10


In Acts 3:1-10, we encounter a miraculous event where Peter and John heal a man who hadn't been able to walk since birth. This passage teaches us about the power of faith in Jesus and how God works through His followers. We see God use His people to help others in need. 


Imagine being the man who had been unable to walk his whole life. He spent his days begging, relying on the generosity of others. When Peter and John passed by, he must have hoped for a few coins to help him take care of himself. Instead, the man received something far greater—he received healing in the name of Jesus. This story shows us the compassion and love that God has for each of us. He sees our struggles and cares deeply for our well-being. Just as Peter and John showed love to the lame man, we are called to love others with the same compassion and care, knowing that God works through us to bring healing and hope to those around us.


Peter and John didn't just walk past the beggar; they stopped and spoke with him. They didn't have silver or gold to give, but they gave what they had - faith in Jesus Christ. Through their obedience to God's prompting, they were able to perform a miracle that brought glory to God. This challenges us to think about how we can follow God's way in our own lives. Sometimes it means stepping out in faith, even when it seems impossible. It means being willing to be used by God to bring about His kingdom here on earth. As we reflect on this passage, let's ask ourselves how we can follow God's way, showing love and compassion to those in need and sharing the Good News of Jesus. What steps can we take to actively follow God's way in our lives, just as Peter and John did?

Can you think of a time when you felt God showing you how you could help someone in need? How did you respond, and what was the result?

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for all the miracles and for Your Truth. I pray that I can be just like Peter and John. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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