Making God Known

Making God Known

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 10, 2024 | Acts 17:16-34

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 17:16-34


While Paul was in Athens, he noticed the city was full of idols. He talked with Jews in the synagogue and the devout people in the marketplace about Jesus and the resurrection. People thought what he was preaching was strange, so they asked more about it. So, Paul begins to tell the people all about Jesus. He comments on the idols they worshipped and how the altar to these idols said, “To the unknown god”. He wanted to tell them about the one and only God so that HE would be known. He tells them how God made the world and everything in it and He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. He tells them God gives breath to all of mankind and every living thing. My favorite part of what he tells them is that “In Him, we live and move and have our being”. Paul tells them about the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection. Some people mocked what he said, but others said they would listen to him again about Jesus. After he was done preaching, he left them. Some who believed what Paul had said followed him.


Let’s go back to that verse I quoted before. “In Him, we live and move and have our being.” We are God’s children. Without him, we wouldn’t live, move, or be! Let that sink in. We were made by God! We exist because God made it happen. There is no other way we are on this earth. I don’t know about you but that makes me feel so incredibly loved!


As you’re going about the weekend when you’re playing ball, riding your bike, or just sitting and watching TV, think about how you wouldn’t be doing any of that without God. You are so loved, and He created you for an amazing purpose!

Prayer: God, thank you for creating us! We want to use this life You gave us to bring glory and honor to You. Help us to do that! Amen.

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