Looking to Jesus for Courage

Looking to Jesus for Courage

Author: Selena Rosetti
Apr 8, 2024 | Acts 4:1-22

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 4:1-22 

Last week, we read about how Peter and John miraculously healed a man in the name of Jesus. In today’s passage, we see these two men continuing to teach the people about Jesus. While they were teaching, they were arrested and taken to jail. After being questioned, the religious leaders realized they had no charge against them that would allow them to keep them in jail. So, they ordered them not to ever speak or teach in the name of Jesus again.


The Bible tells us that Peter and John were filled with the Holy Spirit and had great courage and confidence when faced with being thrown into jail and put on trial before all of the leaders.

In verse 12 of this chapter, we read that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus. When we put our trust in Him, we can know without a doubt that He will always be with us and give us courage to face hard times.


The next time you are faced with something hard, remember that you can always look to Jesus to help you through it. Pray and ask Him to give you the same courage He gave to Peter and John and trust that He will be with you also.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for loving us so much and for allowing us to lean on you during hard times. Help us to remember to look to You for our courage, strength, and confidence every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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