Let’s Play Tag!

Let’s Play Tag!

Author: Amanda Carpenter
Mar 13, 2024 | Matthew 13

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 13


When I was a little girl, my grandfather told the BEST stories. Almost every story taught a lesson. In the Bible, Jesus uses stories called parables to teach His followers. In one of His parables, He talks about a farmer who plants seeds. The birds ate the seed that fell on the path. The seed that fell among rocks grew quickly and then died because its roots were short. The seed that fell among thorns grew but then died as the thorns grew around it. Then finally, Jesus talks about the seed that was planted in good soil. It grew beautifully and produced fruits and vegetables. Jesus explains that the seeds represent the Good News about the Kingdom of Heaven. When seeds, or God’s Word, are spread among people who accept it and understand it, they begin to invite other people to hear God’s Word.


Have you ever played a game of tag where you join hands with the person you tagged? As more and more people get tagged, the line gets longer and longer. Very soon, almost everyone is “it.” This is what it should be like as we tell people about Jesus. Just like in the story, we hear what Jesus has to tell us and begin to live by His Word. As we do this, we show more people what it’s like to love like Jesus. Then those people show more people who Jesus is. Soon, lots of people have been “tagged” by the Word and love Jesus too. It’s the BEST game of tag ever!


Let’s play tag! Choose someone this week to tell about Jesus or invite to church. Then maybe one day, that person will begin to love Jesus and tag someone else too.

Prayer: God, help us to be like the seed that was planted in good soil. Help us to understand the Good News in the Bible so we can produce fruit. We want to tag other people and show them Your love. Amen.

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