Jesus Teaches His Disciples

Jesus Teaches His Disciples

Author: Selena Rosetti
Mar 19, 2025 | Luke 13-14

Family Devo: House Church Edition

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Luke 13-14

Sometimes, when Jesus was teaching his disciples to follow him, he would use parables. A parable is a story that teaches a lesson. Luke 13 and 14 have several parables. Let’s take a look at some of them.


In Luke 13, Jesus tells a very important story about a fig tree. He talks about how the owner of the tree wanted to cut it down because it didn’t have any fruit on it. He thought it was useless taking up space in the garden. But the gardener said, “Wait! Let me take care of it for another year. I will dig around it and fertilize it.” The gardener took great care of the fig tree. This story teaches us about God's patience and love. Just like the gardener cared for the fig tree, God cares for us! He is very patient with us and he gives us time to grow and change.

In Luke 14, Jesus shares more lessons through stories. One of the stories he tells is about a wedding feast. Some of the guests are trying to sit in the best places. Jesus tells them that instead of trying to sit in the best seat it is better for them to choose the lowest place instead. He explains that those who humble themselves will be honored. This teaches us about being humble and kind to others, rather than trying to be the best or most important. When we put others before ourselves, we are showing them the love of Jesus through our actions.


Can you think of a time when someone was patient with you or considered your feelings above their own? How did that make you feel?

God loves us so much. He is so patient with us and kind to us and never gives up on us. Just like the gardener didn’t give up on the fig tree. God wants us to grow in love, kindness, and goodness. As we continue to learn and grow in our faith, it will help us to show the love of Jesus to those around us.


How can we show humility in our everyday lives? Can you think of a way to be kind to someone this week?

Let’s practice humility as we finish out our week. The next time you are in a group, let someone else go first. This is just one simple way to begin putting others before yourself.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for teaching us how to be humble and kind through the stories you shared with your disciples. Help us to grow like the fig tree and to care for others the way you care for us. May we always remember that you want us to share your love with others.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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