Jesus Takes Our Place

Jesus Takes Our Place

Author: Jana Whittington
Sep 20, 2024 | Galatians 3:10-14

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Galatians 3:10-14


Paul explains in Galatians 3:10-14, that trying to follow all the rules perfectly can't save us. He says that everyone who relies on obeying the law perfectly is under a curse because no one can follow all the rules all the time. But there's good news! Jesus came to take our place and save us from this curse! Paul tells us that Jesus took the punishment for our mistakes when He died on the cross. Because of Jesus, we don’t have to be perfect to be loved by God. Jesus set us free from the curse of trying to be perfect. We can come to God just as we are, and He will love and accept us. 


We all make mistakes and sometimes do things we shouldn’t. It's impossible to be perfect all the time. Paul reminds us that Jesus died so that everyone who believes in Him can be blessed. When we believe in Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit, who helps and guides us every day. This means God is always with us, giving us strength and helping us make good choices. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can live in a way that pleases God, not because we’re trying to be perfect, but because we love Jesus and want to follow Him! 


It’s important to remember that our relationship with God isn’t about following strict rules. It’s about trusting Jesus and believing He loves us and took our place. Because of Jesus, we can live free from fear and know that God loves us just as we are. 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to take our place and save us from our sins. Help us to trust in Jesus and remember that You love us no matter what. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us every day. Help us to share Your love and kindness with others. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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