Jesus is Enough

Jesus is Enough

Author: Anna Beth Scott
Apr 30, 2024 | Acts 13:13-52

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read Acts 13:13-52 

“Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.  Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the law of Moses.” Acts 13:38-39


Paul preached to Jews and Gentiles about how God made a way for all people to have a relationship with Him. In today’s passage, he summarizes the story of redemption from the Old Testament up to after Jesus rose from the dead. In verses 38 and 39, Paul explains the significance of the whole story.  Jesus is the only way to have forgiveness of sins, and that forgiveness is offered to everyone.  We cannot do anything to earn forgiveness.  Acknowledging Jesus as Lord and asking Him for forgiveness is the only way to the Father.  Some of the religious leaders were jealous and did not believe.  However, many of the Gentiles believed in Jesus and were saved.  The Good News of Jesus continued to spread throughout the region.


It was hard for the religious leaders to accept the truth that they couldn’t earn forgiveness.  They’d been following the Law of Moses and were prideful of their efforts.  They didn’t see Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Maybe they thought they had to be good enough on their own.  Aren’t we often like that?  We think we can do enough good things: go to church, read our Bible, pray, help people, do our best at work or school, and obey all the rules.  Sometimes we put our hope in how good we can be instead of the goodness of Jesus.  We cannot make Jesus love us any more or any less.  We have all of His love already.  All we can do is accept Him as Lord and ask Him for forgiveness.  He is faithful to forgive.


Talk with your family about these questions:  

  • Where have you been putting your hope lately? 
  • Is your hope found in Jesus or do you rely too much on being “good enough”? 
  • Have you put your faith in Jesus and asked Him to forgive you of your sins?  Tell someone in your family or someone at church if you want to put your faith in Jesus for the first time. 

Jesus is for all people, not just the people like us.  Ask God to show you who, in your everyday life, you can talk to about the love of Jesus.

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