Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

Author: Paige Russum
Mar 6, 2024 | Matthew 8:23-27

Head: Know God’s Word ⎢ Heart: Love God ⎢Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 8:23-27


In today’s passage, Matthew tells a story about Jesus and his friends in a boat. Have you ever been in a boat? It feels much different than just sitting on land! If the water is still, it may be relaxing, but if the wind is blowing and the water is moving, it can get scary. In this story, a storm came. The wind was blowing, the boat was rocking and water was getting in the boat. His friends were very scared, but guess what Jesus was doing? He was ASLEEP! His friends were panicking and woke him. They shouted “Lord, save us! We are going to drown.” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid?” He calmed the storm and the wind and waves settled.


This story teaches us something important. When we face storms in our lives — whether they're big problems, scary situations, or even just feeling afraid — we can trust Jesus. He has power over every storm. Just like He calmed the wind and waves, He can calm the storms in our hearts too. But Jesus also reminds us of something else. He asked the disciples, "Why are you so afraid? You have so little faith." Jesus wants us to trust Him, even when things seem scary. When we have faith in Jesus, we can be confident that He will always be with us, guiding us through the storms of life.

So, whenever you feel afraid or worried, remember this story. Trust Jesus, just like the disciples did in the boat. He is always with you, ready to calm the storms and bring peace to your heart.


Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for being with us in every storm of life. Help us to trust You, just like the disciples did. When we feel afraid, remind us of Your power and Your love. Calm the storms in our hearts and guide us with Your peace. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

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