How Can I Help You?

How Can I Help You?

Author: Amanda Carpenter
Mar 15, 2024 | Matthew 15

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 15: 29-39.


Do you have a special person in your life who makes sure you are fed well? When you visit that person, he/she has a pantry full of your favorite snacks and has baked your favorite cookies. In Matthew 15, Jesus reminds me of that person. He has performed miracle after miracle and has a crowd of four thousand people surrounding Him who have been with Him for three days. I am sure Jesus is exhausted and starving, but His concern is for His people. Jesus tells His disciples that no one can go home hungry. Jesus simply divides seven loaves of bread and a few small fish among four thousand people. Miraculously, everyone is full and there are seven baskets left over. Jesus truly cares for His people. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


Luke 12:7 tells us that God knows how many hairs are on your head! He doesn’t want us to hurt or go hungry. He truly cares for us and loves us deeply. He even came to earth to serve others, not to be served (Matthew 20:28). Rest in the truth that Jesus loves you so incredibly much!


Jesus came to serve. Let’s be like Jesus today. Serve your family at the supper table tonight. Maybe you can set the table, fix the plates, or help do the dishes afterward.

Prayer: Lord, You know how many hairs are on my head. You care about the details of my day. Thank you for serving me. Help me to follow Your example and serve others.

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