God’s Love is Not a Pepperoni Pizza

God’s Love is Not a Pepperoni Pizza

Author: Lauren Strickland
Apr 23, 2024 | Acts 10

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Acts 10


In today’s devotion, we meet Cornelius, a good man who loved God but wasn't a Jew. This was a big deal because back then many people who followed Jesus believed only other people just like them could be part of God's family, and well, Cornelius was not like them.

One day, Cornelius had a vision. An angel of God told him to send for a man named Peter. At the very same time in a completely different place, Peter had a vision from God. God told Peter not to call anything or anyone impure or unclean if God had made them clean. God was helping Peter to understand He loves everyone, no matter where they are from! And because God loves everyone, anyone can follow Jesus! Because of his vision, Peter visited Cornelius and shared the good news of Jesus with those closest to Cornelius and many others came to know, love, and follow Jesus.


God loves everyone, no matter where they come from or what they look like. God doesn't show favoritism or treat people differently because of their skin color, language, abilities, or how much money they have. God wants everyone, everywhere to hear the good news about Jesus! And He wants us to treat everyone with kindness and respect. Does that ever seem impossible? (Anything is possible with God, remember?!)

God’s love is not like a pepperoni pizza, 8 slices and you’re out. God’s love never runs out! He loves each and every person on the planet, always. And because His love never runs out, we can always share His love with everyone around us — no matter how different we are. There is never anyone unworthy of God’s love because everyone matters deeply to God!


You have something so much better than pepperoni pizza — and it’s something that NEVER runs out! When we treat others (especially people different from us) with kindness and respect, they experience God’s love, and God’s love changes everything! Do you have a Cornelius in your life — someone very much different from you? How might you show kindness and respect to them today in your words and actions?

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for loving us all. Help us to remember that You love everyone, everywhere, always. Help us to show kindness to everyone we meet. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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