God’s Love

God’s Love

Author: Cynthia Ogilvie
Apr 5, 2024 | Acts 3:11-26

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 3:11-26


Today, let's dive into Acts 3:11-26. After Peter healed a man who couldn't walk from birth, people were amazed. They gathered around Peter and John, curious about the miracle. Peter saw this as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus. He explained that Jesus healed the man, not by his own power, but by the power of God. Peter reminded them of their need to repent and turn to God, just like the man who was healed. Through this story, we learn about the power of God and the importance of repentance - turning from sin to God.


God's love is amazing! Just like Peter and John shared the love of Jesus with others, we can also share God's love with those around us. When we see someone in need, we can show kindness and compassion, just as Jesus did. We can pray for them and help them however we can. Remember, God's love is not just for us to receive but also to share with others. Let's ask God to help us love others the way He loves us.


Peter and John didn't just talk about God's love; they showed it through their actions. Similarly, we can follow God's way by being kind, helpful, and loving towards others. When we see someone hurting or in need, we can reach out and offer our support. We can also share the good news of Jesus with others, just like Peter did. Let's look for ways to follow God's way in our actions every day, showing His love to everyone around us.

  • How did Peter and John demonstrate God's love in Acts 3:11-26? How can we follow their example in our daily lives?

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for showing us Your love through Jesus. Help us to know Your Word, love You with all our hearts, and follow Your ways every day. In Jesus' name, amen.

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