God’s Good Plans

God’s Good Plans

Author: Nichole McCardle
Apr 17, 2024 | Acts 8:4-25

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Acts 8:4-25


In Acts chapter 8, the Jewish people were still angry that the apostles and the Christians were continuing to teach about Jesus. They began arresting and hurting people who were Christians, so many of the believers began leaving Jerusalem and moving to other areas where they felt safe. As the Christians began spreading out, they continued preaching the Good News of Jesus outside of Jerusalem. This allowed so many more people to hear that Jesus died to save sinners. This is exactly what Jesus had asked His apostles to do - to continue His ministry and spread the Gospel. Although the poor treatment of the Christians in Jerusalem was bad, the spread of the Good News outside of Jerusalem was good. God works all things for His good!


God’s plan is always for good, even though sometimes it may not feel very good to us. As the Christians in Jerusalem were being treated very poorly, they had to move from their home and their town. I’m sure this did not feel very good at all. But, again, God’s plan is always for good. As a result of them moving away, more and more people got to hear the good news of Jesus! Sometimes, God’s good plans are accomplished during uncomfortable times in our lives. How do you react to uncomfortable or inconvenient circumstances? Remember that God could be using you and your situation for a bigger plan than you could imagine!


What are some ways that you can show patience and trust in God’s good plan even when it’s hard?

Prayer: God, thank You for always knowing what I need! Help me to put all my trust in You and to know that ultimately You work ALL things for good. I love You so much. Amen.

Becoming a Christian

Have questions about becoming a Christian, baptism, the Lord's Supper, or growing as a follower of Jesus? If you want to know more about how to know, love, and follow Jesus, you can ask your Campus KXP Minister for a copy of the Becoming A Christian Book or check out a digital copy here.

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