God’s Faithfulness

God’s Faithfulness

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 16, 2024 | Acts 20:1-16

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 20:1-16


The first part of chapter 20 talks about the place Paul travels to next and who traveled with him. After that we see, Paul was gathered with the disciples breaking bread on the first day of the week. He talked with them until midnight. There was a young man named Eutychus sitting in the window. He fell asleep while Paul was speaking. The more Paul talked the deeper his sleep got until he fell out of the window and died! Paul went to him and held him. He told the men not to be afraid because his life was still in him. So, Paul goes back upstairs and continues to break bread and talk until daybreak, and then he departs. The other men brought Eutychus in alive!


I don’t know about you, but a man falling out of the window would’ve had me a little shook. Not these people! They went right back upstairs to finish what they were doing because they KNEW God had used Paul to bring this man back to life. They weren’t worried. They had seen God’s faithfulness this entire journey.


We, too, see God’s faithfulness all the time. As a family, write down ways God has shown His faithfulness to you. Post this on the fridge so you can be reminded of His faithfulness when you start to doubt Him.

Prayer: God, we love You! We are so thankful that You are always faithful. Help us be like Paul and remember Your faithfulness when we doubt You. Amen.

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