Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Psalms 36-37
In today’s reading, we see David contrasting two very different perspectives. One is wicked. He describes many things that the wicked do. They don’t fear God, they are deceitful, they do foolish things and plot evil… The list could go on and on. Then David talks about God. His unfailing love is as vast as the heavens, and all of humanity finds shelter in His wings. He is righteous, and He cares about everyone and everything!
Have you ever looked up at the sky and tried to see where it ends? It stretches on and on, farther than you can imagine! That’s how big God’s love is for you. Psalm 36 tells us that God’s love is so big it reaches the heavens, and His faithfulness goes as high as the clouds.
The Psalm also says that God’s righteousness is like the tallest mountains, and His justice is like the deepest oceans. That means God always does what is right, and He is fair to everyone. Best of all, God takes care of all His creations—animals, people, and everything else! You are always safe in His care.
We know God loves and cares for us, but we have to remember not everyone has experienced that, and there are still people who don’t actively see Him. Pray for ways we can show His love to those people.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for being such a great model. Please show us ways to be more like you. Please let our actions soften wicked hearts so they will see You.