God Is Our Safe Place

God Is Our Safe Place

Author: Selena Rosetti
Mar 21, 2025 | Psalms 57-58

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Psalms 57-58

Today, we are going to focus on Psalm 57. Read this Psalm with your family and let’s see what we can learn through this passage.


In Psalm 57, David was hiding from his enemies, and he was feeling scared and alone. I bet you can think of a time when you felt the same way. But even though David was afraid, he chose to praise God anyway. David knew that God was like a safe place for him, and He trusted that God would protect him.


I love how this Psalm begins. It says, “Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” What does it mean when he says, “I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings”? When I read this passage, I always picture in my mind a mama bird with her baby chicks. When something scary or dangerous happens, like a storm or a loud noise, the mama bird spreads her wings to cover her little ones. The baby chicks run under her wings to feel safe and secure. When we feel afraid, we can trust God will protect us and make us feel safe, just like that mama bird protects her babies. We can trust Him to take care of us until the hard times go away.


David praised God when he was afraid. How can you praise God when you feel scared or worried? Maybe you can sing a song. Do you have a favorite song you can sing to God? If you don’t know a song to sing, just try talking to him. He is always there, and He hears you. Whether you are singing praises to Him or talking to Him, He hears you and wants you to run to Him. The next time you feel afraid or alone, sing a song of praise to God. God is our safe place. Always remember you can run to Him and find comfort in His love! Look for ways to praise Him this week, even in tough times.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving me so much. Help me to remember that I am never alone and I can always run to You when I am afraid. Just like a mama bird cares for her baby chicks, I know You will take care of me. When I am afraid, help me to trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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