Forever with Jesus

Forever with Jesus

Author: Cody Smith
Aug 28, 2024 | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 


Let's say you have a fresh apple. When the apple is new and whole, it's perfect and good to eat. But if you leave it out for too long, it starts to get old and rotten. The apple might get soft, brown, and even moldy. This is because the apple is something that can get spoiled or go bad over time. We call this "corruption"—it means something that was once good has become bad or spoiled. 

Now, think about a toy that you really love, like a toy car or a doll. Even though you play with it a lot, it doesn’t get old and rotten like the apple. Sure, it might get scratched or dirty, but it doesn’t spoil in the same way. If you take care of it, it can last for a very long time. Imagine if it could last forever without ever breaking. This would be like "incorruptible"—something that never spoils or goes bad. 

In 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, the Bible talks about our bodies. Right now, our bodies are like the apple—they can get sick, get old, and eventually die. But when Jesus comes back, He promises that He will change our bodies to be like that toy that never spoils or breaks. Our bodies will become incorruptible, meaning they will never get sick, die, or spoil. We will live forever with Jesus in these new bodies. 


The Bible also tells us that because Jesus defeated death by coming back to life, we don’t have to be afraid of dying. Death is not the end for us because Jesus gives us victory over death. One day, we will live with Him forever in bodies that never grow old or die. This is a wonderful promise that helps us to be strong and keep doing what is right, knowing that our future with Jesus is safe and perfect. 


Because of this amazing promise, verse 58 tells us that we should be strong and steady, always doing our best for Jesus. This means we should focus on loving others, helping those in need, telling people about Jesus, and doing what is right, even when it’s hard. Just like we want to take good care of our favorite toys, we should take care of the work Jesus has given us to do. Even if things are tough now, we know that everything we do for Jesus matters and lasts forever, just like our new bodies will!   

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing promise that one day we will have new bodies that never get sick or die. We are so grateful that You love us and have given us victory over death. Help us to be strong and steady in doing good things for You every day. Please show us how to love others, help those in need, and share Your love with everyone we meet. We trust You and look forward to the day when we can live with You forever in Your perfect kingdom. Amen.

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