Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader

Author: Lauren Strickland
Apr 24, 2024 | Acts 11:1-18

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Acts 11:1-18


Today’s devotion picks up with Peter returning to Jerusalem after visiting Cornelius. The news about this visit spread fast to Christians throughout the area. Remember — Jewish Christians did not visit with people like Cornelius, and they certainly didn’t share the good news about Jesus with people like Cornelius! Peter trusted God and visited Cornelius anyway, and this was confusing for other Christians. They didn't understand why Peter had visited and shared Jesus with people so different from themselves.

After talking with Peter, however, the Bible says the Holy Spirit helped them to understand what God had shown Peter — that God's love isn't just for some people, it's for everyone! God loves everyone, no exceptions. No matter who we are or where we come from, God wants us to be part of His family. As they understood this, they praised God for His love for everyone.


Peter was alone in his decision to visit Cornelius and to share the good news with his family and friends. Peter could have been more worried about what other people thought than about what God said, but he listened and obeyed God! And because Peter trusted God, many people who didn’t know about Jesus came to know, love, and follow Jesus. Many who were already Christians learned a very important lesson about God’s love and began to follow Peter’s lead, sharing the good news with everyone they met.

There will be times in life when you feel alone — times when God asks you to do something (or not do something) and others may not understand. He did this a lot in the Bible: Noah and the Ark, David and Goliath, Esther and the King Xerxes, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and many others! No matter what, you can always trust God, and you can also trust safe, trustworthy people in your life to help you make wise decisions. And when you do, chances are, others will too!


One of my favorite heroes in the Bible is Paul. Paul, who was also called Saul, once said, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Jesus” (1 Corinthians 11:1). That is really what Peter was saying to his friends when he returned from Cornelius’s house. Who might follow you as you follow Jesus — a friend, a sibling, or other family member? What might it look like for you to lead others around you to follow Jesus today — at school, at home, on your sports team?

Prayer: Dear God, help me to be brave like Peter and Cornelius. Help me to trust You and follow what You say! Help me be the kind of leader Peter was to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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