Empowered by the Spirit

Empowered by the Spirit

Author: Cynthia Ogilvie
Apr 3, 2024 | Acts 2

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 2


Today, we're diving into Acts chapter 2, where we witness the remarkable event of Pentecost. Pentecost was a Jewish festival, but it is very important for Christians because it is when the Holy Spirit upon the believers gathered in Jerusalem. Take a moment to read Acts 2:1-13 together as a family.

Discuss with your children: What happened on the day of Pentecost? Why was the Holy Spirit's coming important? How did the disciples react, and how did the people around them respond?

Encourage your children to ask questions about the passage and express their thoughts. Help them understand that the Holy Spirit gives believers power to share the good news of Jesus with boldness and clarity.


Reflect on how the disciples felt when they received the Holy Spirit. They were filled with awe and wonder at God's power and presence. Discuss with your children: How do you think the disciples' love for God grew stronger after Pentecost? How can we experience the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives today?

Encourage your children to share moments when they have felt close to God or experienced His presence. Remind them that God's love for us is unconditional and that the Holy Spirit helps us love God more deeply and fully.


After receiving the Holy Spirit, the disciples boldly shared the message of Jesus, and many people believed and were baptized. Discuss with your children: How can we follow God's way like the disciples did? How can we share the good news of Jesus with others in our daily lives?

Encourage your children to think of practical ways they can live out their faith and share Jesus' love with others. It could be through acts of kindness, sharing Bible stories, or inviting friends to church.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit and giving us His guidance so that we could live as bold witnesses for Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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