Despite the Challenges

Despite the Challenges

Author: Cynthia Ogilvie
Apr 2, 2024 | Acts 1:12-26

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 1:12-26


In Acts 1:12-26, we see the disciples returning to Jerusalem after witnessing Jesus go up into heaven. They gather together in the upper room, about 120 of them, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus' brothers. During this time, Peter speaks to the group, reminding them of what the Book of Psalms says about Judas' betrayal. The disciples recognize the need to fill Judas' place among the Twelve Apostles. So, they asked God to show them which of these two (Joseph or Matthias) He had chosen to join this ministry. The Lord chose Matthias.


Thinking about this passage, we see how much the disciples want to follow God and the Bible. Despite feeling unsure of what to do after Jesus rose into Heaven, they remained united in prayer and fellowship, seeking God's guidance. Their love for God and commitment to following His Word are evident as they take steps to fulfill the Scriptures and appoint a replacement for Judas. This shows us the importance of trusting God's plan and following Him above all else.


As we consider how to apply Acts 1:12-26 in our lives, we're reminded of the importance of community, prayer, and obedience. Like the disciples, we should try to gather together with other believers for encouragement, prayer, and studying God's Word. We're also called to trust in God's plan and follow His ways, even when faced with challenges or uncertainties.

What are some of the challenges you are facing? What are some things going on in your life that you may be uncertain about? I challenge you to tell someone you trust about your struggles today.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for You and Your true words. I pray that even when I am facing challenges and uncertainty that You would remind me that You are certain. I ask for the courage to share those struggles with someone today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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