Compassion for Us

Compassion for Us

Author: Carrie Hobson
Aug 8, 2024 | Luke 5:12-16

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read Luke 5:12-16


Our reading today talks about another time Jesus healed someone. A man with leprosy saw Jesus and begged him to cleanse him. He said, “Lord, if you will, make me clean.” Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man and immediately the leprosy left the man’s body! Jesus told him to go and not tell anyone but to show himself to the priest and make an offering. News quickly began to spread, and more people gathered to hear Jesus and to be healed.  


If you don’t know much about leprosy, it was considered one of the most unclean diseases of this time. You weren’t supposed to be within six feet of someone who had leprosy. If the wind blew toward a person in the direction of the leper, they had to stay 150 feet away! People with leprosy were looked down on by everyone, and they felt completely hopeless. What I love about this passage is that the leper knew Jesus could heal him. There was no question in his mind. He just wanted to see if Jesus was willing since no one else would come near him. Out of his compassion for the leper, Jesus touched him! The leper’s life was changed forever that day.  


"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." Lamentations 3:22

Take time to memorize Lamentations 3:22 this week. Let this verse be a reminder that the Lord’s compassion never fails us, just like His compassion didn’t fail the leper.  

Prayer: Lord, we love being able to read Your Word. The miracles You performed out of Your great compassion for us are an amazing reminder to us that You do the same for us today. Thank You for loving us and showing Your kindness and compassion to us always! Amen.  

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