A Child-like Heart

A Child-like Heart

Author: Amy Stampley
Aug 13, 2024 | Mark 10:13-16

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Mark 10:13-16


“Let the little children come to me…” 

Today’s story is from Mark 10. The disciples were trying to keep Jesus from being bothered by the little children. Jesus corrects them and tells them, “Let the little children come to me.” The part I love most about this story is how Jesus takes the little children in His arms, holds them, and blesses them.


How precious is it when we get scooped up in the arms of someone who we love so much and get a hug from a grandparent, a teacher, or a friend? How much better would it be to have Jesus scoop us up and hug us deeply?


If you have younger brothers and sisters or cousins or friends, tell them the story about how Jesus loves the little children. He wants everyone to come to Him, regardless of their age or size! We are all important to His kingdom.

Prayer: Dear God, sometimes when we are having a hard day, it is helpful to just close our eyes and imagine You giving us a great big hug and listening to our needs. We are so thankful that You love us no matter how big or small we are. Thank You for making everyone welcome. We love You, Jesus. Amen.

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