Closed Doors Lead Somewhere

Closed Doors Lead Somewhere

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 6, 2024 | Acts 16:1-15

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 16:1-15 


In today’s reading, Paul is continuing to travel and spread the gospel. Barnabus and John Mark had left Paul in chapter 15. While traveling, Paul meets a man named Timothy. He was impressed with Timothy and how he shared the gospel. Paul wanted Timothy to join him in his travels, so he did. Paul, Silas, and Timothy enjoyed getting to travel and strengthen the church together. As they traveled, the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let them speak the Word in certain regions. This seems a little odd, but there was a reason! God closed doors to those places to lead them somewhere else. While Paul was in a place called Troas, he had a vision. A man was standing there asking him to come to Macedonia and help them. Paul knew that this was a vision from God and that he had shut the door for them to go to the other places because Macedonia needed to hear the Gospel. The Holy Spirit’s “no” wasn’t a bad thing! God provided more people to help spread His Word, and He opened the door for the Gospel to be spread in Europe which was huge! Paul didn’t even know how huge it was at the time.


Don’t you hate it when you make plans and then your parents tell you no? You might get a little angry and feel like life is just not fair. But you know what? Your parents see a much bigger picture of what’s going on than you do. In our story today, Paul didn’t know why God was closing the doors for them to go to certain regions, but he knew God saw the bigger picture, too. He trusted that God knew exactly what needed to happen so His word could reach people. So, Paul obeyed!  


Today, I challenge you to listen. Paul didn’t question God. He simply said yes. To start your listening challenge, practice listening to your parents. They know what’s best for you. Obey what they say even if you don’t understand it. After you’ve practiced this, listen to God. When He gives you that small nudge to help a friend or give away something you love to help someone else, listen! There’s always a much greater purpose to what God has planned than you can see. You just have to be obedient!  

Prayer: God, thank you for Your perfect plans! We are so thankful that You have a purpose behind every closed door. Help us to listen and obey what You would have us do! We love You! Amen. 

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