Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Luke 11-12
Today, we’re reading a very special prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. Prayer is a special way for us to talk to God. Just like we can talk to our friends and family, we can also talk to God. In Luke 11, one of Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. Jesus taught them a prayer called the Lord’s Prayer. We can use this prayer as a guide to talk to God too. Let’s read what Jesus taught and learn together!
Jesus starts by saying, “When you pray, say: ‘Our Father, hallowed be Your name.’”
What do you think it means to “hallow” God’s name? This means we should recognize how great God is and show Him respect. It means to honor God and acknowledge that He is holy. When we pray, we can start by thanking God for who He is and the wonderful things He does in our lives.
“Your kingdom come”
When we pray for God’s kingdom to come, we are asking Him to bring His kingdom to this earth. God’s kingdom is full of love and joy. This means we want people to be kind to each other, help one another, and do what is good, just like in God’s perfect kingdom.
“Give us each day our daily bread”
This reminds us to ask God for what we need every day. You can thank Him for the food you have and ask Him to help you with anything you need, like courage for a test or comfort when you’re sad.
“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.”
This part teaches us to say, “I’m sorry”. When we make mistakes, God forgives us, and we should forgive others too. If someone hurts your feelings, it’s important to forgive them, just like God forgives you and me.
“Lead us not into temptation”
This means we are asking God to help us make good choices. There are times when we might be tempted to do something wrong, but God can help us do what is right. You can pray for strength to make good decisions every day.
The Lord’s prayer reminds us that He loves us, listens to us, and helps us every day. You can use this prayer whenever you want to talk with God.
The Lord's Prayer helps us express our feelings and needs. Jesus teaches us to ask God for what we need, like food and forgiveness. He wants us to feel safe and loved when we talk to God.
How do you feel when you ask someone for help? It can be comforting to know that God cares for our needs. Remember, God loves us and wants to hear our hearts. We can share our worries, our hopes, and our needs with Him.
Now that we understand the importance of the Lord's Prayer, it’s time to put it into action! Here are some ways you can practice praying and showing love to God and others:
- Pray: Take a few minutes each day to say the Lord’s Prayer. You can do it in the morning, before meals, or at bedtime.
- Thank God: Write down or say three things you are thankful for. This helps us remember how much God has blessed us.
- Forgive: If someone has upset you, try to forgive them. Remember, just as we ask God for forgiveness, we should also forgive those around us.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for teaching us how to pray through the Lord’s Prayer. Help us to honor Your name, share our needs, and forgive others. May our hearts be open to You, and may we always feel Your love. Amen.