Bringing Our Feelings to God

Bringing Our Feelings to God

Author: Ty Park
Feb 20, 2024 | Psalm 42:5

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Psalm 42:5


In today's Bible reading, we will read Psalm 42 verse 5 that says, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Sometimes in our lives, we might feel sad or upset. That's okay, but know we can always turn to God for help. Psalm 42 reminds us that we can always bring our emotions and feelings to God because He loves and cares for us so much.


Have you ever felt sad or worried? The good news is that we can always turn to God when we feel upset. God loves us so much and wants us to come to Him with our problems or when we feel down. We can pray and ask God to comfort us in our suffering, and we can even ask others to pray for us too.


When we feel sad or down, don’t dismiss those feelings; take those emotions and feelings to God. Be honest with Him about how you are feeling and allow His word to be your comfort. In those difficult times, remember how much God cares and loves you. He’s a good Father.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for how much You care for us. Thank you for how much You love us. You desire for us to come to You with anything that is on our minds or hearts. God, may we trust You with all things and place all of our hope in You. In Jesus name, amen.

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