Boldly Bring Our Needs to Jesus

Boldly Bring Our Needs to Jesus

Author: Amy Stampley
Aug 16, 2024 | Luke 8:40-48

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Luke 8:40-48


In this very short part of scripture, Jesus meets two very important needs. He meets the need of a woman who is dealing with sickness, and He heals the daughter of a very sad father. Jesus wants us to know that when we come to Him, believing in Him, He can do miracles for us. Jesus tells the woman with the sickness that He has healed her because of her faith that He could do that. He works a miracle for the father of the dying girl and brings her back to life.


What are some ways that you need Jesus to help in your family or your life? What needs can you bring to Jesus today? Discuss those needs as a family and pray together asking and believing that Jesus will meet those needs according to His perfect plan for us. 


Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You so much for working miracles in our lives. Help us to stop and notice all the small ways you care for us and our families. Lord, You are a good, good Father and we are so thankful for Your loving care that You pour out over us every single day. Amen. 

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