Attention Getter

Attention Getter

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 7, 2024 | Acts 16:16-40

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Acts 16:16-40


While Paul and Silas were traveling, they healed a slave girl who was possessed. Her owners were furious because she made them money, but once she was healed, she was no use to them. The owners drug Paul and Silas before the rulers where they were beaten and thrown into prison. The jailer kept them in the inner prison and chained their feet. About midnight, Paul and Silas were praising the Lord by singing and praying. The prisoners were listening to them, too. Suddenly there was an earthquake! The earthquake was so big that the prison doors came open and their chains came loose. The jailer was so upset because he knew the prisoners had escaped. Paul told him not to worry because they were all there. The jailer was so surprised to find them unharmed and still there. He couldn’t believe that they didn’t escape when given the opportunity, but Paul and Silas cared more about showing the jailer Jesus than they did about themselves. The jailer saw something in Paul and Silas that he wanted. He trembled with fear and fell at Paul and Silas’ feet asking them what he should do to be saved. They told him all he had to do was believe! So, he did, and he and his family were all baptized that very night!  


I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard to get my attention. I get so focused on what I’m doing that my family has to say my name loudly to get my attention. That’s kind of like what God did for the prison guard. He was so focused on other things that he was missing God. God literally shook the ground to get his attention, and once He got it, the jailer discovered who God was! The jailer saw Paul and Silas and how they radiated God’s love. He wanted that, too. As believers, we should radiate God’s love, too!  


What’s one way you can turn your focus to Jesus this week? It could spend time in prayer, read your bible, or sing your favorite worship song. I even love sitting outside and watching God’s beautiful creation. How can we radiate God’s love as believers, too? 

Prayer: Thank you, God, that we get to radiate Your love to others! Help us to always make good choices and treat others the way You would have us treat them so that they can see You! Amen.  

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