A Willing Heart

A Willing Heart

Author: Selena Rosetti
Apr 12, 2024 | Acts 6

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 6 


In Acts 6, we read about some amazing men who were chosen to serve the early church. These men were known for their faith in Jesus and their willingness to help others.  

The apostles were called to preach the Word of God, but they found themselves spending more time taking care of the needs of the people. So, in order to have more time to teach and preach, they chose seven men who were full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit to be the ones to take care of these needs for them.  

After this, the Bible tells us that the Word of God spread and the number of disciples increased rapidly.  


These men loved God and had a heart to serve others. When we love God, we want to follow him and be obedient to all that he asks of us. When we serve others, we are following the example Jesus set for us. This story helps us to see that we all have a responsibility to join in the work of the Lord. We all have a part to play and each of our parts will look different. When we all use our abilities to serve the Lord, we can watch how the church will grow.  


Showing love and kindness to others is a wonderful way to share God’s love. Let’s think of some ways we can show kindness to someone today.  

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the example You give us in Your Word to serve others. Help us to have hearts that are willing to serve and look for opportunities to help those around us wherever we go. In your name, we pray, Amen.  

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