Always Near and Ready to Listen

Always Near and Ready to Listen

Author: Paige Russum
Aug 30, 2024 | Psalms 145

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Psalms 145


In today's reading, we are going to look specifically at Psalms 145. This particular chapter is a song of praise. His songs were actually much like songs we hear today. It has a central focus, but describes several unique thoughts related to the main topic.

Please take a moment to read Psalms 145 with your family!


Psalms 145 is a song of praise to God and a celebration of His goodness. The entire song reminds us that God is kind, loving, powerful, and that He always keeps His promises. Can you find any specific references to His kindness in the reading? What about His power and love?

In several places the Psalmist also tells us that God takes care of everything He has made and listens when we pray. Can you think of some ways God has listened to your prayers and taken care of you? It is helpful when we take the time to recognize, remember, and specifically thank God for those things. The Psalm ends by saying “Let every creature praise His holy name forever and ever.” As we go throughout our days, how can we be sure we are doing just that?


Another thing this Psalm assures is that when we pray, God is always near and ready to listen. We can talk to Him anytime, whether you are happy or sad. Isn’t it amazing to know that the God who created everything also wants to be close to you?

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for being so great and powerful, but also kind and loving. Help me to remember that You are always with me, no matter what happens. I praise You for Your goodness and ask that You help me show kindness and love to others, just like You do. Amen.

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