Jesus Displays His Righteousness, Holiness, and Authority
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Jesus Displays His Righteousness, Holiness, and Authority

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Feb 23, 2023 | Mark 11

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

One of the most trusted Christian theologians and authors of our day, Warren Wiersbe, outlines the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) in beautiful ways. He writes and teaches from the perspective that Matthew shows us Jesus, the King; Luke shows us Jesus, the Lord and Son of Man; John shows us Jesus, the Christ; and Mark – our current book – shows us Jesus, the Servant. Studying Jesus as He serves is one of the most humbling perspectives, as it shows a piece of His heart that truly defines His character.

Chapter 11 highlights this in a very powerful way as Jesus exerts His authority from the position of a servant. Does it seem like Jesus just woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Maybe a little, but He has a holy point to prove. He has a holy position to hold. He has a holiness to preserve.

In His full power and authority given by God Almighty, Jesus knocks down the first domino of Holy Week (his arrest, beating, death, burial and resurrection) right here in Mark 11. After repeatedly warning His disciples to not make a public “to-do” about His power, He sets in motion a series of moments that not only reveal Him as the anointed King and Messiah, but that also fulfill prophecies of His Kingdom and Reign.

  • Jesus rides in on a donkey, announcing Himself as King in the midst of pomp and celebration.
  • Jesus curses a fig tree when it seems He could have brought it back to life.
  • Jesus clears the temple and speaks against the religious “market” the Jews had established.

Why all the fuss? To display His righteousness, His holiness, and His authority. To make clear how Israel's disobedience (and ours) is viewed by God. To set the record straight on who has ultimate authority – God alone. And to prepare Himself to be the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate servant.

When Jesus seems to act in ways contrary to the pretty box you may have put Him in, step back and don't miss the forest for the trees!

He is HOLY! He is JUST! He is GOD!

  • How have you witnessed Jesus as the ultimate servant in the book of Mark so far? How are Jesus' holiness, justice, and authority displayed in Mark 11?
  • Consider Jesus' example of service to others. Look for ways to serve others this week. 
Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.

Family Application: Mark 11

Author: Ashley Prima

In Mark 11, we find Jesus and the disciples leaving the city of Bethany, hungry. They happen upon a fig tree that has no figs on it to eat because it was not the season for fruit. To show His great power, Jesus told the tree that no one would ever eat from it again. The next day, when the fig tree that Jesus cursed was seen by the disciples, they were surprised to see that it had dried up! Jesus, in all His holy power had caused the tree to dry up and die – just by speaking to it!

Jesus then told the disciples to “have faith in God.” He told them that if we are faithful and humble in heart, and believe that what we say will happen, even we can tell a mountain to move and it will move. This is what great faith in Jesus can do!

  • When was the last time that you went to Jesus in prayer, asking for something in faith?
  • Prayer: Jesus, I thank you for wanting what is best for me. Help me to remember to have faith in You and Your power. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing me when I pray. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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