Active Evangelism

Active Evangelism

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Aug 19, 2024 | Mark 2:1-12

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

This may be one of the most beautiful examples of active evangelism in Scripture! I recently heard a wonderfully practical definition of evangelism: sharing the truth of the Gospel with the aim of spiritual conversion.

As followers and disciples of Jesus, we carry the responsibility and the honor of joining God in the greatest mission by sharing the greatest message!

The friends in Mark 2 had something we do not have – a time and a place where Jesus Himself, in the flesh, would be teaching. And what did they do? Everything in their physical abilities to bring their friend to Jesus. Why? To create an opportunity for him to be healed. I want you to see how this group of friends had a mindset of evangelism that I think we should adopt. They saw their friend’s physical needs and HAD FAITH that Jesus could heal. And that faith compelled them to carry their friend straight to Jesus.

Flip over to read 2 Corinthians 5:14 – 6:1.

The all-consuming power of what Christ has done for us and what He can do for those who would believe gives us no other option than to share it with others.

Now, you and I have something the friends in Mark 2 did not have – the Holy Spirit. When you and I live in bold confidence that our role is to share the truth, and God’s role is to save, evangelism will become natural for us. We must remember who does the saving… not us! But the Holy Spirit! Our job is to share the Gospel truth.

And why does all this matter so much? Because salvation is the forgiveness of sin.

In America, and especially in the culture we enjoy down south, the weight and significance of forgiveness is often lost on us. The language has become so normal that we can talk all around salvation and never hit on the forgiveness of sin. However, in cultures around the world where the Gospel is not known, taught, or accessible, the idea that sins can be forgiven with certainty IS THE TRUTH that leads to salvation!

I would argue that in our post-truth society, we must wake up to realize this message of salvation is actually what people are searching for.

The forgiveness of sin – through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ – sets Christianity apart from all religions and gives us true hope for eternity. The salvation of our souls through the forgiveness of our sins is how we are redeemed by Holy God.

Who has this authority to forgive these sins? Jesus, the Son of God, who out of obedience to His Father gave Himself as the atoning sacrifice. He died the death we deserve to give us His righteousness, His holiness, and eternal life with Him!

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Take time to pray and thank God for the forgiveness you have experienced through salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you this week in sharing the Gospel Truth. 

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