Holy Week Family Guide: The Cleansing of the Temple

Holy Week Family Guide: The Cleansing of the Temple

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 25, 2024 | Matthew 21:12-17


Matthew 21:12-17


On Monday, the day after Palm Sunday, Jesus went to the temple. Jewish people came to the temple of God from near and far to worship and say they were sorry to God for the things they had done wrong. When Jesus got to the temple, He was very upset about what He saw. The priests and religious leaders were supposed to help people worship God, but instead, they were finding ways to take more money from people coming to worship at the temple. God’s temple was for His people to pray, worship, and learn about Him, but many people in the temple were selfish and greedy, buying and selling cheap sacrifices instead of giving their best to God. Jesus threw out all the people selling things in the temple because this was not what God wanted for His people and His temple.  

After Jesus cleansed the temple, the sick and the hurting came to Him to be healed, and the children came to worship Jesus. The priests and religious leaders were not happy that people came to Jesus, but that was what the temple was for – coming to God with hurts and worries and worshiping Him! Because Jesus, the Son of God, made a way for us on the cross, we can say we are sorry, bring our problems to God, and worship Him with our whole hearts at church, home, school, or anywhere! 


  • Q: Why was Jesus upset at the temple? 
  • A: Jesus was upset because people were doing bad things in God's temple, and the temple was for worship and prayer, not these other things. 
  • How can you offer God your best this week? 
  • Take some time to think about how you can offer Jesus your worship. You could write a prayer to Him!


God, thank You for loving us. Lord, help us give our very best to YOU. Let us come to You with our hurts and our worries. Let us worship You and love You sincerely. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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